Getting AS9100 Certified in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (PA)
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Should you be a company looking to get AS9100 certification, then it’s perfect, because you’re just on the right page!
For years, we, The ISO Pros, have been providing utmost care and assistance to companies and businesses that need AS9100 certifications. We wouldn’t have been deemed to be the best, the most considerate, and the most sought after if we didn’t perform, right?
So, without further ado, here are a couple of crucial pieces of information about the AS9100 standard.

Understanding What the AS9100 Standard Is
AS9100 is a standard in the aerospace industry (AS). It has been released by the IAQG or the International Aerospace Quality Group under the well-known Quality Management Standard or QMS ISO 9001. Akin to the ISO 9001 standard, the AS9100 standard also includes requirements for the implementation of a QMS that is modified to befit the Aviation, Space, and Defense (ASD) businesses and organizations.
In the simplest and the shortest term, the standard is a set or a collection of guidelines on how you implement a QMS for ASD organizations or the Aerospace industry. Throughout the years since it was first released, it realized and has gone under a couple of updates and version changes.
Getting AS9100 Certified
There’s nothing different on how you can get AS9100 certified in comparison to the other ISO standards in the book. As a matter of fact, you can get it by religiously following the general steps on how you can become certified:
The first thing you have to do is to understand the AS9100 inside and out. Know about what it is, learn the standards, gather requirements, etc. When you’re already knowledgeable about it, the next step is to perform a Gap Analysis or a checkup if your business or your organization is achieving what the particular standard requires. Once you’ve successfully done an AS9100 implementation, you now need to plan how you would go on with the implementation of the AS9100 in your company. Determine the scope, learn about it more, and make sure that you comply with requirements. Then, you would need to educate and train all of your employees so that you’ll be overall compliant with the AS9100 standard. Then, you need to design and document the QMS you have or the AS9100. Documentation is key in becoming certified. After that, you would need to use, observe, and live by the documented QMS. If there are improvements, it would be your responsibility to improve and develop them. Lastly, you would call out an auditor to help you audit the performance of your business or organization.
Learning About the Standard
Performing Gap Analysis
Planning AS9100 Implementation
Education of Your Organization
Designing and Documenting of QMS
Utility and Improvement of QMS
Auditing of Performance
All of those are what we can help you with here at The ISO Pros! Wherever you are in the city, we’re just an email or a call away!
IQC The ISO Pros can help you implement, train on, consult, and have your company and/or organization certified on the following ISO Certifications: